
Bring balance to your desktop with Windows 11

Windows 11 has easy-to-use tools that can help you optimize your screen space and maximize your productivity. Combine that with a Microsoft 365 subscription* and nothing will stop you from getting tasks done.

Organize Windows with Snap Assist

Hop on a call. Find some answers. Finish that paper. When you’ve got a lot to do, snap can help you stay organized with ease.

Your content, curated

Your favorite photos. The world news. Today’s to-do list and tomorrow’s weather. Widgets help you find content that matters to you. It’s all things you—always a swipe away.

Refocus your workflow

PowerPoint, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Teams—the apps* you need work seamlessly with new multi-tasking tools like Snap layouts, Desktops, and a new more intuitive redocking experience.

Life is better together

With Chat from Microsoft Teams, you can reach anyone however you prefer (call, chat, text, video) right from your desktop.

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